Socializing on Conferences

A few weeks ago I had the great opportunity to attend a technical conference with my company. It was supposed to be a great chance to socialise, get to know amazing people in the tech industry and bond with my colleagues. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make the best out of the event.

Since I believe that I shouldn’t forget my mistakes and that I should consider what I can change to be more successful in such environment, I thought it would be best to write my musings down.

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Happy New Year! – new year’s resolutions

Happy new year everyone!

Lots of things have happened and time has passed by so quickly! I was actually invited by a former classmate and a few others (we were 5 people in total), to start into the new year together. I have to say I really enjoyed myself. I don’t think I’ve talked this much before, it was a really nice change.

On to my new years resolutions!

I’m still aiming to change myself an become more outgoing and confident. But I realised that I need to set myself sub-goals, since even though I believe this is a quite concrete goal achieving it needs a lot of steps. So these are the sub-goals I came up with.

  • make 10 new friends
  • go to uni once styled 100% differently (wig, makeup, etc.), so that people will have trouble recognising me.
  • build up knowledge
  • strengthen your presence
  • make an impression

Now the next thing I want to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle. That means:

  • regular exercise
  • balanced and regular meals (Bento, proper dinners & breakfast)
  • at least 8 hours sleep a day

I will say NO to fast food (pizza, any type of frozen food). I won’t stop eating instant noodles but I will always add veggies and the like. And I know that it is impossible for myself to stop eating sweets, so I won’t even try. Maybe next year.

And finally I will change my style of studying. Regular reading and revision is going to be a necessity if I want to gain more knowledge and more confidence results from knowledge.

To summarize I want to be a more confident, a smarter and a healthy person.

My first step to achieve that was at the new years get together. I talked more about myself and it hopefully made me seem more outgoing and relaxed.

The small difference between envy and admiration

As long as I remember I’ve always been a person that quickly envies people. It’s only been recent when I realised that I can barely differenciate between envying and admiring people.

I can see an admireable trait in every single person I meet it doesn’t matter to me if its just being outgoing having an amazing memory or being exceptionally smart.
All of these are traits which I lack and I therefore admire and envy people that have them.

I know that envying every single person I meet is neither healthy nor nice but I just cannot help it. Improving my character has proven to be an even more difficult challenge than I thought….
I really want to change myself but as much as I want to I am far from successful I tend to fall back into bad habits very quickly.

Back in Brum!!

I’m finally back in Birmingham!

I swear yesterday was torture, after an 11 hour journey I had to set up my room in my new accommodation. And that took ages, when I finished it was 1:30 am UK time. But at least I can now proudly say that I live in there. I’m not quite settled in yet but that’ll happen with time.

It’s just sooo cold… I’m freezing, personally I didn’t think it’ll be this bad but IT IS! I’m even heating (just my room) but it doesn’t help… Damn I’m sure I’ll be sick soon. I wish it was 10 degrees warmer, but that is unlikely.

Tomorrow I’m going to have my first lectures as a second year! Right away it’ll be one of the hardest modules: Prolog Programming. We’ll see if I’ll be able to understand anything.

Totally out of topic:

Do you have any foreign friends? If so how do you feel if you went out with maybe 2-3 of the with the same home country and all of them speak in a language you don’t understand? Do you feel offended, annoyed or even disappointed?

In my case I feel sad. Every time it happens to me I’ll feel disappointed and think “Why am I here again?”. I understand that it’s easier for them to talk in their language and it flows easier but then they should not invite me… It’s even worse when, some time during the talk, I’ll be asked “Why aren’t you saying anything?”. Well duh I don’t even know what you’re talking about how should I input my opinion???

Seriously I don’t mind people talking in a different language, even I do sometimes but not every f$&*ing time! Because of that I even dread going out with them if I know that 3+ of them are going to be there +me. I went shopping with all of them once and will never do so again. It’s impossible they don’t even consider telling me where they want to go or what they are looking for, no they just expect me to understand.

They are still good friends of mine really but honestly I do everything in my might to avoid having them with me in groups or at least have somebody else with me that doesn’t understand them. So that we can talk about whatever while they can talk in whichever language.

I’m sorry if that sounds a bit racist, that wasn’t my intention. Its just that it really saddens me because every time I meet somebody from my home country I pay attention to those around me and include them in the conversation. But they don’t even though we are friends.

Ok I think thats enough ranting… I’ll just leave and try to get warmed up now, maybe a shower will help.. hopefully.