Learning Japanese – The Plan: Week 1 (24.08 – 30.08)

So as I mentioned on my previous post where I announced my YouTube channel, I am getting serious with my Japanese language studies now.

So this is my plan for the following week 24th – 30th August.

The reason why every three days is because I need those days to process the vocabulary and grammar noted. The vocabulary will be listed in my vocab notebook and revised once a week.

  • Read Chapter 2 of “Minna no Nihongo” as prep for my study group
  • 10min a day hiragana / katakana drill, for revision.
  • Create a Kanji notebook for the new Kanji I learn and learn 3 properly.
  • Record 1 video with basic Japanese. E.g. Introducing myself.

This should get me started on the road to fluent Japanese.

I have a lot of time before I start working in September so I need to get used to studying regularly, which is why I’ll hopefully be doing a lot.

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